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Fail Button

208 Byte hinzugefügt, 22:03, 1. Apr. 2015
/* Receiver */
= Idea =
We want a cool big button that can be whacked whenever something goes wrong and that will play an appropriate fail sound. The button should be pressure sensitive allowing different sounds to be played dependent on the strength of the whackimpact (sorry for all that people still not using solid-state discs in their computers placed on the same desk...). The button itself should be small but the sound massive - therefore the button should contain a radio transmitter to trigger a remote sound system.
= Transmitter aka TheButton™ =
PCB is one-sided, self etched layout of 22mm x 26mm in size.
[[Datei:PCB PiezoButton500dpi26x22.png]]
= Receiver =
A old version of an Arduino-Chime will be used to play amplified audio through big speakers. It is not clear if a an additional uC is used needed to receive the RF datamessage.