
MfK Logo 3D

1.397 Byte hinzugefügt, 10:37, 10. Dez. 2011
/* STL Files, Diadem */ + source + dxf
''A diadem-style - bi-color - 3D printed plague.''
== STL DateienFiles, Diadem ==
[[Datei:MFK Logo 3D Diadem.png|200px|thumb|Outer part - screenshot OpenSCAD]]
* Outer part[http: //www.mfk-frankfurt.de/typo3temp/pics/ea590b3229.png MfK DIY logo] was converted from a bitmap to vectors using Inkscape* reducing the complexity following the [http://repraprip.blogspot.com/2011/05/inkscape-to-openscad-dxf-tutorial.html Inkscape to OpenSCAD dxf tutorial]* saving the vector representation in DXF format  * Extrusion scripts & files for OpenSCAD:** [[Datei:MfK Logo 3D 003.stl]]* Inner <br/>Outer part(red part in example above. ''Update: Small hole on top of the logo to attach a keychain etc.'')** [[Datei:MfK Logo 3D 003 inner.stl]]<br/>Inner part (black part)** [[Datei:MfK Logo 002.dxf]]<br/>DXF format of the MfK DIY Logo image<br/><br/>  <nowiki>//// MFK_Logo_3D_003.scad//difference() { rotate ([0, 0, +90]) { scale([1, 0.75, 1]) cylinder(h=2, r=35, center=true, $fa=6); }  translate ([-25, -37, 0]) scale(0.25) linear_extrude(file = "MfK_Logo_002.dxf", height = 16.0, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0);  translate ([7, 29, 0]) cylinder(h=3, r=2,5, center=true, $fa=45);}</nowiki>  <nowiki>//// MFK_Logo_3D_003_inner.scad//difference () { union () { rotate ([0, 0, +90]) scale([1, 0.75, 1]) cylinder(h=2, r=35, center=true, $fa=6); translate ([-25, -37, 2]) scale(0.25) linear_extrude(file = "MfK_Logo_002.dxf", height = 16.0, center = true, convexity = 10, twist = 0); } translate ([7, 29, 0]) cylinder(h=3, r=2,5, center=true, $fa=6);}</nowiki> [[Kategorie:Projekte]]