
Voidnet Viator Cyberdeck

1.606 Byte hinzugefügt, 18:51, 29. Sep. 2022
Fusion 3d-viewer: [https://a360.co/3SyB80R]
The left side is mainly occupied by the 4-port USB hub (and thankfully I got a relatively small footprint for that) which was a needed feature since I already occupied so much USB on the PI. Besides that the PSP stick has an intuitive spot since the scrolling happens at the side of the screen. The flashlight was a spontaneous addition. After having it on my desk to look for dropped parts during the build I just ended up making it part of the entire Deck. Surprisingly, it works quite nicely because it points the right way when you grip the deck by the handle or when you carry it on the strap.
Originally I had used a laser-acrylic part for this but it ended up not providing enough structure. The alumnium is great because it helps holding everything together with the 8mm shaft for the mouse on the other side and 3x 4mm rods on the inside we have a nice and rigid frame.
The frame itself was too large for my printer so I made parts and clips. After clipping it together the clips can be melted to the frame so it becomes one piece.
The front panel was a bit of a modular part because I wanted to be able to assemble it outside of the actual deck. It has space for all the additional displays and then just clips into the main frame.
At the end I was quite surprised by how many wires were needed for all the switches, Leds and I2C devices but since I will probably use other I2C parts in the future, I glued some WAGO clamps to the back which hold the I2C bus accessible. I might switch out the clips for something more "cyber" looking in the future.